Donations for non profit organizations
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Wounded veterans charities
When To Donate Clothes
- Balanced Family
- March 3, 2016
Clothing donations is the best way to recycle clothes and other household items. A large portion of people have a number of items of clothing they have only worn once. This also goes for household items that have been sitting around in the garage collecting dust. It can be attributed to the fact that Americans […]
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Clothing donations
Clothing drop off locations
Where to donate household items
Finished with Your Spring Cleaning? Here’s What You Can Do with Those Old Clothes
- Balanced Family
- April 17, 2015
With spring in the air, it’s time to open up the windows and air out the house after a long winter. It’s also the perfect time to begin decluttering your home, and the best place to start is by cleaning out the bedroom closets. Because it’s so easy to amass clothing throughout the years, both […]
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