Donate Your Old Clothing at Red Cross Donations
- Balanced Family
- March 1, 2019
If you have done well for yourself in life and have reached a level of financial comfort, there is a lot you can do in terms of giving back to society in a variety of ways. One of the best ways to accomplish this can be donating to charity. Charitable organizations all over the country […]
Read MoreWant To Donate To Charity This Year? Clothing Donations Can Help Out The Economy And The Environment
- Balanced Family
- May 28, 2018
A world of good starts with a single action. How do you spread the goodness around? Are you the type of person to open up a yard sale filled with discounted and free items to free up space in your garage? Perhaps you like to donate some of your food and time at the local […]
Read MoreWhat Happens to Your Clothing Donations?
- Balanced Family
- February 25, 2018
What happens to Red Cross donations? The American Red Cross is one of the largest clearing houses for clothing donations in America. Every year, 70% of people in the United States give something to a charity. In fact, 3% of all American income goes to charities every year. Non-profits are more than $666 billion worth […]
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Three Steps to Doing Something Positive
- Balanced Family
- June 7, 2017
You see the news. You see that there are disasters throughout the world and that people are always in need of some kind of aid. Whether it be relief in the aftermath of a storm, relief for refugees around the world, or help for the homeless right here in our own country, the Red Cross […]
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How Red Cross Donations Save Landfills
- Balanced Family
- March 6, 2017
The Red Cross is an organization that has helped out many families who are less fortunate. However, what isn’t as well known is a growing problem caused by people throwing out their used items. Americans purchase nearly 20 billion garments per year which equates to roughly 68 garments and seven pairs of shoes per person […]
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How to Effectively Clean Out Your Closets
- Balanced Family
- September 16, 2016
Most Americans have over flowing closets, full of all types of clothing items. Yet, when it comes time to get ready for an event, they are unable to find anything acceptable to wear. They continue to shop for entertainment, storing clothing items recently purchased in the back of the closet. Many people even have multiple […]
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