The fundraising campaign was successful and now that the weather is beginning to cooperate the plans to install the new playground are being scheduled. Beginning with the installation of the major playgroup equipment and the concrete bases that are needed and ending with the environmentally friendly playground border, the completion of the project will rely on good weather and a lot of work by an army of volunteers.
From school playgrounds to neighborhood parks and large community recreational centers, it is important to make sure that the equipment selected will be sturdy, safe, and challenging. With a variety of options available, playground climbing structures and tire swings can provide hours of both exercise and entertainment.
Ask any child in elementary school what their favorite part of the day is and you will likely hear a number of answers that mention the playground and recess. From stories about ripped hands caused by learning to cross the monkey bars from giant over under pushes on the swing set, playgrounds are a great way to make sure that kids get the fresh air that they need and stay active at the same time. Playground and commercial playground equipment is an expensive investment that holds its value for many years.
Playground Borders and Other Accessories Like Matching Trash Cans Add to the Usability of Any Recreational Area
Research indicates that play stimulates brain development. In fact, several studies have shown that it is very important for children to have regular opportunities for a variety of gross motor activities. In contrast, children who do not get this interaction in their first six years will face a lifetime of limited brain power. In a time when the classroom demands for both teachers and students, it is easy to forget the value of play, but more and more research indicates that children who do not have time to play and enjoy the outside do not perform as well in school as they could.
Outdoor play appears to be an important environment to foster many of the skills that children need to be successful in life. For instance, the latest research supports the idea that children with poorly developed motor-skills by age five will likely never develop efficient motor-skills later in life. In a time when many children spend far too much time looking at screens, it should come as no surprise that a number of parents and school and community groups are willing to invest funds in outdoor play structures.
Whether you are raising funds for a new playground border or an entire new playground structure, the weather will soon be nice enough to make sure that all of these items are installed and ready to go!