Terrorism is an odd phenomena: as the name suggests, the goal is to disrupt social harmony and allow fear to dominate our lives. Fear, anger, and hatred prove that such acts work; although the issue needs to be addressed it can be difficult at times to not let these acts change who we are. Here are three facts on selfless charitable donations to help restore everyone’s faith in humanity.
Together We Can Move Mountains
Estimates show that seven out of every 10 American citizens donate clothes, food, or money every year. There are countless charities that accept used clothing donations and other items that many people would think to throw away. Food, blankets, clothing, and shelter are provided to countless families and communities every day thanks to the contributions of good-natured Americans give Red Cross donations.
How Good it Feels to Give
Altruism is the philosophical concept of selfless action — those who refute altruism state that the good feelings derived from righteous acts prove that there is no selflessness. My answer: who cares if altruism is real or not; it won’t change my mind or the minds of charitable Americans? Charities are given around 3% of American income across the country with non-profit charities contributing over $650 billion to the United States economy; feeling good is just everyone’s reward when we work together and focus our efforts on those who need help the most.
A Community with Values
There are plenty of reasons to give to a clothing donation center, especially during some of the harshest months. Up to 63% of those who regularly give to clothing donation centers or similar charities believe in the importance of giving back to the community. All too often do we see ourselves as independent from the world around us. Charities and the donors behind them reassure us all that terror cannot and will not stop Americans like you and I from caring — give today and help our neighbors: all of us can benefit from the support of a united community.