Investing in and owning a home is a great way to earn something on your investment over time. When you become a homeowner, you will need to use equipment, tools, and a plan of action to protect yourself and your loved ones should an emergency occur. As a homeowner, having an emergency preparedness toolbox talk with all members of your household is essential, especially if you are committed to protecting and preserving your home for as long as possible. When you want to have an emergency preparedness toolbox talk, there are a few topics to keep in mind and consider while making your plan of action.
How to Prevent Fires and Other Disasters
Having an emergency preparedness toolbox talk is not complete without first considering the potential disasters and types of fires you are at risk of, based on where you live. The first step to protecting your home, investments, and loved ones, is to become familiar with the climate you live in and region you reside in. Not all homes are prone to the same natural disasters. Someone living near the ocean will have a much greater risk of experiencing a hurricane or another water-related disaster than someone living in a desert climate. Those living in hot regions will have a much greater risk of experiencing heat stroke or heat waves than those who live in northern territories. Understanding the climate you are living in is key before you can truly prevent fires and other disasters from impacting your home.
When you are a homeowner and want to prevent disasters from wreaking havoc on your home and all that you have invested in, consider taking measures inside and around the home. Installing fire alarms and detectors along with motion-censored equipment can help you to determine when there is a problem that needs attention immediately. If you’re concerned about a fire in the home, investing in a custom fireplace mantel that is also protected with additional sealant may be possible.
If you live in an area that is prone to downpours and major storms with plenty of rainfall, consider the option of investing in a catch basin. A catch basin is typically installed outside a home to help with attracting and catching water after a storm. Catching as much storm runoff water as possible in a catch basin is a way to minimize the risk of having the stormwater enter your home or flood your basement or any other lower levels you have in your home, based on your home’s style and layout. When it comes to maintaining your catch basin, catch basin cleaning is recommended at least once to twice a year, depending on the number of storms you receive and the amount of waterfall you have already collected during the year.
Once you have a clear understanding of the region you live in and your surrounding climate, it’s much easier to determine what type of equipment and plan of action you need to have in place for you and your family. The more aware you are of your surroundings at all times, the less likely you are to feel overwhelmed in the event of a natural disaster. When you know what type of natural disasters are most prevalent near you, you can also ensure you are readily prepared for them before they even arrive.
What to Do in an Emergency
When you are planning or having an emergency preparedness toolbox talk, you will need to consider what you will do in an emergency, both on your own and as a family, depending on the size of your current household. Anytime you experience a household emergency due to medical issues, financial woes, or even a natural disaster, having a plan can help you to remain calm and focused throughout the entire time. Whether you need to consider taking out a loan, borrowing funds from relatives, or you might want to sell my car for cash, there are many different routes to take when you are in need of assistance due to an emergency.
Experiencing any form of emergency can be devastating, especially if the emergency involves injuries, natural disasters, or a loved one of yours. If you want to ensure you are completely prepared for a potential emergency in or around the home, create a list of common issues and happenings that are prevalent in your area, especially when it comes to natural disasters. Common emergencies may include a medical or health issue, trouble paying bills or staying afloat financially, natural disasters, break-ins, floods, and in some cases, depending on where you are currently residing, climate change.
One of the first steps to ensure you take when planning for an emergency is having a talk about your plan of action with those who live in your home and anyone in your household. Developing an escape plan if there is a fire or another natural disaster is highly recommended, especially if you are not the only person living in the home. Informing every member of the household of any emergency plan you have developed is imperative to minimize the risk of confusion once a natural disaster or emergency actually strikes.
When discussing your plans of action with other members of your household, take the time to cover the different types of emergencies and disasters you are most likely to encounter. The more informed the members of your household are regarding their own risks, the less likely they are to feel overwhelmed should a natural disaster or another type of emergency occurs. While you are reviewing potential disasters and emergencies that are most prevalent in your area and in your type of home, be sure to share important emergency numbers with other members of your household. Emergency numbers can include numbers besides 911, such as the local police and fire departments. You may also want to include additional emergency contacts, such as a security company’s number if you are thinking of installing a brand-new security system in and around your home.
What Materials to Stock Up On
Before finishing your emergency preparedness toolbox talk, you should also take some time to consider what materials you may need to stock up on. Stocking up on emergency materials and equipment will vary based on your home’s location and the region or climate you are living in. For instance, if you’re living in a desert climate, your loved ones will likely require additional cooling supplies and more water than the average individual, especially during the hot months of the year. If you are looking to remain self-sufficient, you may want to invest in generators, a well on your property, and other materials, such as a complete metal supply for the items you may need to rebuild.
Stocking up on materials and equipment you may need in the event of an emergency is always recommended. From investing in non-perishable canned food items to preservatives and comfort items, the more prepared you are ahead of an emergency, the more likely you are to remain calm and focused when you need. Taking the time to stock your home, cellar, or basement with items that are ideal during an emergency can also help you to assess and tackle just about any issue you encounter without a problem.
How to Protect Valuables
Knowing how to protect your belongings and valuables is also essential when dealing with an emergency, whether you’re dealing with a natural disaster or a manmade issue. When you begin to have your emergency preparedness toolbox talk with loved ones and other members of your household, consider how you intend to go about protecting your valuables, such as collecting cards, or even your larger investments, such as your boat. If you are the owner of a boat, consider local boat charters you can contact to keep your boat protected at all times, especially if you need to leave town or if you’re unsure of when you will return to your home.
If you need to leave your home at any time during an emergency or natural disaster, ensure your home is locked down properly with an advanced, modern security system in place. Investing in a home security system is highly recommended for all homeowners, regardless of the size and location of your home. With the ability to monitor cameras at all times from inside your home and with the use of various smartphones, keeping an eye on your investment, belongings, and loved ones has never been easier with the click of a button.
What to Do Every Time You Leave the House
Before finalizing your emergency preparedness toolbox talk, you should also consider what you should do every time you leave the house to ensure your home is as protected as possible. Whether you are heading to work or going out to the best restaurant in town, every homeowner knows how important it is to ensure their home and belongings are protected at all times. One way to ensure your home is protected is to inspect the exterior of your house for weak entry points. You can consider investing in a brand-new security system or turn to a local impact window company to inquire about modernized and updated window options that are most suitable for your home and budget.
Each time you leave the home, be sure to verify that all windows are locked from the inside and that no exterior doors are unlocked or accessible without a key. Never leave your home unlocked or unattended, even if you believe you live in a safe and crime-free neighborhood. When in doubt, consider investing in a home security system that will also send you alerts directly to your computer or smartphone, even if you are out of the home, away from work, or traveling across the country. Taking specific measures to enhance the security of your home is not only a way for you to maintain your own peace of mind, but it is one of the best ways to deter potential burglars and other thieves who are seeking easy targets.
How to Protect Your Lawn
When you are having an emergency preparedness toolbox talk, you should also consider how you will go about protecting your lawn and the exterior of your home. During a natural disaster, you will likely be mostly concerned with protecting yourself, your loved ones, and the most valuable belongings you own. However, protecting your lawn is also highly recommended, especially if your property is prone to floods, droughts, or any other form of natural disaster.
Protecting your lawn is unfortunately not always as easy as cutting your grass regularly and ensuring your lawn is receiving enough water. In some cases, you may need to visit local mulch shops for fresh mulch each year or even considered lawn equipment rental solutions for the gardening and lawn work you intend to complete. Protecting your lawn may be possible by investing in the right formulas and by ensuring your lawn is as covered as possible before a major storm arrives.
You can also consider working with a professional landscaping company near you for optimal protection options. Working with a landscaper who specializes in protecting homes and properties in your region is a way to learn more about your lawn’s risks as well as the various solutions you may have available to you, based on your location, the size of your lot, and the budget you have available. When you begin working with professional landscapers, inquire about your alternative options when it comes to Astroturf and in some cases, even replacing the grass on your lawn altogether. Understanding all of your options ahead of time will ensure you have the capability to protect your lawn as good as possible year-round.
Having an emergency preparedness toolbox talk is a way for you to ponder potential natural and manmade disasters that are most likely to occur near you or in your vicinity. The more familiar you become with the outside world and potential natural disasters, the easier it will become to approach a topic such as having an emergency preparedness toolbox talk. Preparing for potential disasters and issues ahead of time will allow you to spend more time focusing on building and protecting other areas of your home and property.