There are many reasons why you may find yourself in need of a home inspection. Perhaps you’re thinking of putting your house on the market. A home inspection ahead of putting your house up for sale is well-advised. It will help ensure that you’re getting the fastest and most accurate appraisal possible, and it will help you get ahead of any issues that may lie in your home. All too often, potential sellers are caught off guard when a home inspection reveals that there is something structurally wrong with a house just before a sale is finalized. A preemptive home inspection will not only allow you to make repairs before your house goes on the market; it could also reveal where you may be able to add value to your home, thus upping the asking price.
Of course, there are plenty of other reasons why you may want to consider putting together a simple home inspection checklist. You could be interested in improving your home for your own personal benefit. When we live in homes for the long term, we naturally build up a good amount of damage over time. While some of the damage may be aesthetic, other types can seriously degrade the value of your home, while at the same time setting up potential hazards. With that being said, there are some things that you may want to take into account when planning a home inspection. Though some home inspections may focus on specific aspects of the house, others are more comprehensive. No matter what, the issues below should be addressed during a home inspection, Let’s dive into them below!
1. Check Your Foundation
The foundation of your home is quite literally what is holding the majority of its weight. Simply put, the foundation is the lowest bearing point for your house, which means that if it’s unsteady, there is a risk of catastrophic consequences. A house with an unsteady foundation is prone to collapse, and for that matter is virtually impossible to sell. When a buyer seeks a mortgage, the subsequent home inspection will usually involve a look at the foundation. This is because a foundation will typically degrade over time, due to environmental pressures. Therefore, it is natural that having your foundation checked is a natural part of any simple home inspection checklist. But what happens if it’s revealed that your foundation is faulty?
If you find that your house is standing on a shaky foundation, there are corrective measures that you can take. As a house’s foundation usually involves concrete, this will typically mean working with paving contractors. Usually, the contractors will take the approach of hydraulic jacking or slab jacking. Either way, you can have your house’s foundation mended. You simply need to know that there is an issue in the foundation, whether you plan on selling or simply need to ensure that your home is safe.
2. Repair Any Leaks
There is a reason why a simple home inspection checklist should include checking for and subsequently repairing any leaks. It’s all too common for houses to suffer from leaks, in part because plumbing is such an extensive part of a modern home. A leak could come in the form of a faucet leak, which will gradually leak over time. Many people discover such issues while they are engaged in drain cleaning. It could be connected to your home’s toilet, at which point it could leak continuously without you even realizing it. Otherwise, you could be dealing with a leak that spreads internally. These leaks often show themselves through dark stains on your home’s walls or ceiling. They could even result in a steady drip.
Many issues result from unchecked leaks in the long term. They are insanity and can cause mold, odor, and much more. Additionally, they can result in a weakening of your home’s structure, which of course is always risky to deal with. But certainly, an unchecked leak will cost you money. Any time a leak occurs in your home, water is being wasted. This means that you should have leaks taken care of quickly. Otherwise, you will not only need to pay for plumbing services to repair the leak but pay for hundreds or even thousands of gallons of wasted water. It’s no wonder why any simple home inspection checklist should involve checking for and repairing any leaks.
3. Update Your Water System
As you continue on through your simple home inspection checklist, you may find that repairing those leaks reveals that your water system is not as up to date as it could be. Many houses, especially older homes, have outdated water systems. This means that those within the home are not necessarily using and drinking the best water that they could be; it also means that the water isn’t being used as efficiently as it could be. During a home inspection, many homeowners realize that they need to update their water heaters. This is because water heaters are often used for far too long when the majority of them are meant to be replaced every six to 13 years.
Another thing that you need to consider when working through your simple home inspection checklist is adding helpful water softeners or filters. This will ensure that not only are the residents in your home drinking clean water but the water that tastes better and is easier to drink. Even clean water is often loaded with minerals. While these minerals can be consumed without issue, they may irritate your skin when you bathe, and can negatively affect the flavor of your water. With all of that being said, updating your water system will not only add value to your home — it will always make it a much more comfortable home for you to live in even if you don’t intend to sell in the near future.
4. Refresh Your Carpets
These issues in your home go beyond the obvious. They can also extend to things that you may initially consider more aesthetic. Many homes in the United States currently have carpeted floors. While this is not necessarily a bad thing, you may encounter some issues with your carpets while going through your simple home inspection checklist. Carpets can be more easily stained than tile or hardwood floors; and while you may be able to overlook carpet staining, those interested in buying your home might disagree. Furthermore, older carpets can be more difficult to clean and can lock in allergens like dust and pet dander over time, no matter how clean they look on the surface. Carpets also simply get worn down over the years, beyond the point that a good carpet cleaning can make a difference.
Depending on the type of carpeting that you invest in, it is typically advised that you replace your carpets every five to 15 years. Refreshing your carpet can also build up your home’s value if you decide to sell soon. The carpet that you bought 15 years ago may have been on-trend then, but you could benefit from a more updated version when your house hits the market.
5. Eliminate Yard Critters
Yes, the issues with your home can extend beyond the house itself. It may very well reach your yard as well. No matter how well you maintain your yard, you might not necessarily be able to prevent it from being invaded by annoying animals. These could include moles, which will cause issues with the integrity of your yard. They could create holes, as well as weak spots which could be dangerous for any children or pets playing in your yard. Furthermore, certain small animals (like rabbits or rats) and insects may start chewing at your plants. Larger animals could destroy your fencing, too. this is why even a simple home inspection checklist should include an inspection of your yard, too.
While there are avenues that you may want to consider before getting in touch with pest control services, at times you may have no choice but to involve extermination. In some cases, the yard infestation may be so bad that pest control services are required to control it. Furthermore, pest control experts can help teach you how to not only deal with a current infestation but prevent a new one from occurring. Therefore, this could be one of the best resources for you to consult during your simple home inspection checklist.
6. Troubleshoot Your Garage
Yes, your garage is another important aspect of your simple home inspection checklist. While it’s great to have a garage in the first place, your garage will not add any value to your home if it isn’t properly secured and easy to access. All too often, older garages can be difficult to reach, with outdated garage doors requiring manual access. Furthermore, garage doors often become unstable, which means that they are easy to break into.
Therefore, you should consult garage door repair experts. In some cases, your door should be repaired, which will make it easier and more convenient for your o use. Other times, you may want to consider having your door replaced entirely. If you plan on keeping your house, you may be able to work with the same garage door, as long as it is easier to use. However, if you decide to sell your house, you may want to consider having it updated. This could increase your house’s appeal to people looking for a modern, more streamlined garage.
7. Set Up A Recycling Service
While you are working through a simple home inspection checklist, you may realize that your home is lacking in certain aspects. Not all of these aspects will be pressing concerns, but making necessary updates can make your home easier for you to enjoy. This is why we would recommend setting up recycling service. While it’s easy to get rid of garbage, some things should be recycled rather than thrown away outright. Setting up a service with a recycling company can make it easier for you to dispose of your trash without contributing to the trash issue that’s affecting the world on a global scale.
Many of us want to be more environmentally friendly, but it’s simply too difficult to take your recycling to a separate plant. Having a recycling service connected to your home simplifies this process. You can put out your recycling much as you would the trash, and the recycling company takes care of the rest for you.
8. Install a Security System
Many of us are worried about our homes being invaded. While it’s not possible to entirely prevent a potential criminal from invading your home, there are ways to dissuade them from doing so. One of the best ways to dissuade a potential burglar, in particular, is to install a home security system. Home security systems can involve everything from alarms to cameras, sometimes combining the two. A security camera system is particularly useful, as cameras are visible. While they may not be obstructive, they will typically be noticed by those ‘casing’ your home. Burglars case homes specifically to detect cameras ahead of time. Once they see those cameras, they will usually decide that the home is too much trouble to invade and move on.
A security camera system will make you feel more at ease as a homeowner. Furthermore, if a crime does happen to occur, you will have evidence on your hands of the criminal’s identity, and you may be able to find them and ensure that you get justice. If you’re trying to add to the potential improvements on your simple home inspection checklist, a security system seems like a natural fit.
As you can see, some of our suggestions pertain to what needs to be outright repaired, while some pertain to simple improvements. No matter what, there are so many ways in which you can make your house a better home. You just need to be ready to do the work!