Charitable giving is part of the American way of life. Each year, about 3% of American income is donated to charity. Even though there’s absolutely no legal or religious obligation to donate to charity, it’s seen as a way of giving a helping hand to people in need. In difficult economic times, it can be hard to find any extra cash to donate to charity. But your donations of used clothing and household goods are just as important, because they help charities to fund their programs. American Red Cross clothing donations go to help fund relief for families and communities.
Charitable giving is a way of life
A vast majority of the population, or 70% of people in the U.S., make charitable donations every year. The most important reason cited for charitable donations is ?giving back to the community?, cited by 63% of high net worth donors.
However, it isn’t always easy or even possible to donate cash. But there are other ways to help. American Red Cross clothing donations can help to fund their programs that help families and communities in all kinds of difficult circumstances.
How donating used clothes can help
When you donate clothing, you’re helping your charity of choice as well as the environment. The Environmental Protection Agency or EPA estimates that on average Americans throw away ten pound of clothing each year, per person. But there is a better choice for the environment.
Used clothing donations keep them out of the landfills. By recycling used clothing donations, charities help to reduce the burden on the environment.
How will the charities use your donations?
You can be assured that your used clothing donations will be put to good use. The American Red Cross is well known for providing help relief to those in need, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. For families and communities caught up in natural disasters or fires, they provide immediate help in the form of blankets, food, clothing and shelter.
As of 2014, the American National Red Cross received $687 million in private donations. It is one of the largest charities in the country and also one of the best known. The American Red Cross was founded in 1881, inspired by the Swiss international Red Cross. It is called upon to help in an emergency every eight minutes.
Turning old clothes into money
When you put it that way, it does sound like a fairy tale. But that’s exactly what charities do. Your American Red Cross clothing donations are sold in thrift stores, and the funds used for charity programs. As of 2015, sales from clothes donations along with other kinds of items by thrift stores raised more than $2.5 million for local and nationwide charities.
This money helps charities like the Red Cross fulfill their mission. Other charities focus on the environment or on veterans issues. Whichever charity you pick, it will be a good cause and the money raised will be used well.
When you donate clothes to the Red Cross or other charities, you’re playing an important part in supporting a number of worthwhile causes. Your American red cross clothing donations can do a lot to help people in need and in emergency situations.