Every single year there are a large number of Americans that plan to move out and find their own residence. Now, this is a difficult process that involves plenty of complicated steps in order to actually be successful. However, this decision starts with one simple choice which involves deciding between renting a property and buying a new home.
The preference of renting properties and finding new homes to buy really comes down to what the individual person wants. These are such different ways of living and it will all boil down to what the individual person is looking for to make themselves happy. Here are all of the facts that surround finding new homes!
First and foremost, it is important to think about the state and area that you want to live in. There are seven states in the United States that do not collect and individual income tax at the state level. These seven states include Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington, and also Wyoming. If you buy a home in the state of Florida and declare it as your primary residence then you will get a tax exemption for the first $50,000 of value for property tax purposes.
The Harris Poll for the National Association of Landscape Professionals conducted a recent survey involving over 2,000 American adults over the age of 18. This survey revealed that nearly 75% of all Americans believe that it is importnat to spend time outside in the yards whether they are relaxing or engaging in physical activity. Furthermore, 83% of all Americans believe that this yard is important and 90% believe that they need to keep this yard well-maintained.
Most new homes come with an NHBC Buildmark warranty. This insurance backed policy covers purchasers against all defects due to the NHBC standards not being followed for the first two years. During the next eight years, the warranty provides cover against major damage arising from structural defects or drainage defects.
Another survey was conducted which revealed that 2 in 5 Americans, or 41% of the population, strongly prefer to buy ad live in a newly-built home as opposed to living in an existing home. A 2016 survey by the National Association of Homebuilders found that 90 percent of respondents listed Energy Star appliances as an essential or desirable feature in their most-wanted list.
In the year of 2015, the primary reason for citizens purchasing a home was that they wanted to live in a home of their own. When you are involved in finding new homes, you should make sure it is a home that you like and that you actually want to live in. The process of finding new homes ends with a big-time dedication to a long-term situation so you do not want to pick a home you do not like.
The first step was taken by 42% of all consumers finding new homes involved looking online at properties for sale. However, just about 14% of all buyers first contacted a real estate agent. Truthfully, there is next to no difference between these two steps because they are both great moves!
A survey was recently conducted amongst people who are finding new homes. Just about 63% of all people involved reported that they would be open to paying more money for an apartment or house if it is placed in an area that has good green spaces. On the other hand, just about 34% of all people are willing to pay more for an area with great shopping venues and 33% said they would be willing to pay more for great cultural venues.
In Conclusion
If you are involved in the process of finding new homes you will definitely benefit from the help of an expert. You can easily take a look online to look at inventories of homes and collections of new homes that are available for purchase. There are so many businesses that have developed websites and applications on your phone that can list and organize homes for sale. Plus, getting help from a real estate agent brings plenty of benefits as well.