So many books. So little time.
So many things. So little space.
Americans are a crowd of collectors. So much so, in fact, that the latest estimates indicate that the average American home has 300,000 items and one in every four people with two-car garages do not even have room to park cars inside them because these spaces are filled with belongings instead. Given this kind of information, it should come as no surprise that the full-service storage industry is showing record profits.
Personal Storage Solutions Often Extend Beyond the Space Inside of a Home
If you are a person who has a difficult time getting rid of things that you are no longer using you may understand the frustration of not having enough room. When the closets and cupboards and the garage and the garden sheds are full to the brim, you may need to look at alternative storage solutions. For some people, on demand storage is the perfect answer. These services provide on site delivery of large storage units that can be picked up once they are full. The full storage units are then picked up by full-service storage services and kept until they are needed again. Unlike self serve storage solutions, the full-service storage units are not available 24/7. Although self storage customers can get access to their stored items whenever they want, full-service storage customers have to have these storage units moved to and from your home.
Home Owners Who Are Remodeling or Moving Also Make Use of Delivered Full-Service Storage Solutions
Home owners who are in the middle of remodeling or selling their home often look to full service storage solutions to make sure that they have the space that they need. A whole house new carpet installation is much more difficult when the house is full of furniture. In these situations, some property owners rent a storage unit where they can store the furniture during the process of tearing up the old carpet and laying of the new carpet. Likewise, for property owners who are listing their house for sale, a storage unit can be a space to store extra furniture and personal belongings that do not show well. Once these items are removed, they can then be stored off site until they are needed in the new house.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the reason for so many storage unit solutions:
- Fivethirtyeight, a popular research website, reports that the average 30-year-old has moved six times.
- U.S. storage facilities outnumber the popular Starbucks coffee house locations. In fact, we now have more than 50,000 storage facilities, which is more than five times the number of Starbucks.
- Little collections add up fast. How many collections do you have in your home? Are they filling up all of your available storage space options.
- Letting grass grow under their feet is not a problem for many Americans, as indicated by the one in four Americans who move every five years, according to a Gallup Survey.
- How many people use of site storage is an indicator of how much stuff Americans have, Currently, one out of every 10 Americans rent some kind of offsite storage.
- On demand storage continues to grow in popularity among people who are preparing to move or to remodel their homes.
- Unless you are willing to part with many of your treasured belongings, you may have to find out what the storage solution options are in your area.
- Statistics indicate that 33% of renters move each year.
- Estimates from IBISworld indicate that annual self-storage revenue was to be as high as $32.7 billion in the year 2016. That number, however, is predicted to grow at an annual rate of 3.5% over the next five years.