How familiar are you with the benefits of landscaping? It’s hard to even narrow down all the different results you can achieve when you invest in landscape design — grapevine nurseries, garden centers and shrubbery are but a few of the options that can see your residence or place of business blooming. Even better? These can be installed in a matter of hours and last for a long time if properly maintained.
Why Do Americans Like Landscaping?
Everyone wants to feel comfortable and relaxed in their outdoor spaces. A new survey by Harris Poll for the National Association Of Landscape Professionals, conducted among over 2,000 American adults over the age of 18, found that that three-quarters of Americans feel it’s important to spend time outside in their yards. Another 83% of Americans believe having a nice yard is important and over 90% of those with a yard want to keep it well-maintained.
Can I Make Money Landscaping?
Absolutely! Installing garden centers or tree landscaping not only looks beautiful, but has significant long-term financial gain for everyone involved. Over 90% of real estate agents recommend landscaping as one of the top five home improvement recommendations, with many responding that a homeowner can expect a whopping 215% return on their investment. Even spending as little as 5% of your home’s value on landscaping design can give you an ROI of 150%. This is not the only benefit you can enjoy, however, with some homeowners eager to bolster their physical health as well as save money on their energy bill.
Can I Save Money Landscaping?
One of the most beloved aspects of landscape design is how easily it can save homeowners money month after month. Tall shade trees, for starters, block light very effectively in the summer — studies have found they can even reduce your summer energy bill by as much as 20%. Not only do they provide necessary shade and air circulation, prime for the extreme seasons, they are perfect for reducing the amount of harmful chemicals in the air. Worried about pollen, dander or chemical fumes? Trees literally have you covered!
How Much Maintenance Should I Expect?
Whether you install garden centers or a new tree, a little maintenance throughout the week is necessary to keep your new landscaping design healthy and strong. The average homeowner spends around four hours per week caring for their lawn — depending on where you live this can change the yearly amount you put in. The average is around 150 hours in cooler climates and 208 hours in warmer climates every year.
What Landscape Design Should I Do?
Lawn and garden spending reached a stunning $36 billion back in 2015, thanks to recently released results of the yearly National Garden Survey. This was considered a noticeable return to form after a five year low just the prior year, meaning it’s never been a better time to start sprucing up your surroundings. Of those that want to add plants to their yards, an estimated 92% choose plants native to the region — food gardening and flower gardening were the most popular gardening activities of last year. Remember that 90% of real estate agents actively encourage homeowners to invest in landscaping prior to selling, to boot. No matter your goal, landscaping companies will assist you in your endeavors.