Spring is on its way. Are you ready to face what the new year has to offer? Before you start putting together a new wardrobe, consider looking into how to donate clothes to Red Cross. Charity relies on the good will of everyday people and goes a long way in helping people from all backgrounds and budgets, from college students looking to save a little green to families who are looking for some more economic options for the warmer season. If you’re unsure how to donate clothes to Red Cross or are concerned about the benefits, take a look below at some of the most commonly asked questions on the subject.
How Many People Donate To Charity?
Did you know over 70% of people in the United States will donate to some sort of charity on a yearly basis? These can be charities aimed at children, charities aimed at local schools and basic donation centers for clothes, furniture or books. Studies have estimated around 3% of total American income is given to charities annually, to boot — that’s billions of dollars. Overall, an annual value of over $600 billion is contributed to the American economy through seemingly simple actions like donating gently used clothes to charity.
How Many Clothes Do People Buy?
While everyone has different tastes and will buy clothes according to their budget or preference for fashion, there are a few commonalities that link us together. Americans purchase nearly 20 billion garments per year according to recent figures — that’s an estimated 68 garments and seven pairs of shoes per person or one article of clothing purchased per week. Likewise, the EPA has found out Americans throw away an average of 10 pounds of clothes per person year after year. To donate clothes to Red Cross is to go against the grain and reverse a consequence that gets heavier with time.
How Does Donating Clothes Help The Environment?
There’s nothing wrong with wanting to kill two birds with one stone. Donating clothes is not only highly economical for millions of people across the country, it can actually go a long way in keeping your environment healthy. Landfills are notoriously damaging on the environment, including local wildlife, and multiple initiatives are pushed forth year after year to reduce their impact on the country. Despite the majority of clothes easily recyclable (with materials such as cotton and spandex being easily reused and re-purposed), a significant portion still find themselves choking up landfills as far as the eye can see.
How Can Clothing Donations Save Me Money?
It’s understandable that saving money in the very long run may not seem all that viable for you now. Thankfully, there are a few more immediate ways of going easier on your wallet by participating in a Red Cross clothes donation. Any donation given to your charity of choice is tax deductible for the value of the items you’ve donated — this can be a three-piece suit, a sweater or a pair of shoes. Remember to keep your receipt so you can record it onto your taxes. Saving money and helping people out has never been easier.
How Do I Donate Clothes To Red Cross?
Helping out your community, supporting the environment and saving money has never been easier. More and more Americans are finding they can’t go wrong by going to donate to Red Cross at their nearest convenience. Clothes should be gently used — this means minimal scratching, scuffing or tearing. After all, they want this to go from your hands into the hands of someone looking to save some cash. Many charity centers even offer free pick-up services, as simple as making a call and giving them easy-to-follow directions to your residence. Ready to do a little spring cleaning? Put American Red Cross clothing donations on your to-do list.
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