When the weather feels great, many people want to get into a swimming pool. One aspect of owning a pool is the cleaning it can require. Most owners have their own personal preferences to how they clean their pool. However, there are instances where normal cleaning products won’t effectively have the pool looking fully clean. Sometimes, a treatment known as acid washing is what is needed to have pool looking new again. In this post, we will the importance of having an acid wash pool service company do this treatment on your pool.
A commonly asked question for anyone getting this treatment done is what is acid wash? An acid wash is a procedure that uses a mixture of muriatic acid and water. This mix is sprayed all over the surface of an emptied pool. After spraying the surfaces of the pool, the mixture will then usually be scrubbed so that it can further penetrate the rough surface. Lastly, after setting, the mixture is washed away and your pool will shortly be ready to use again.
A pool could be in need of an acid wash for numerous reasons. One main reason would be to remove stubborn surface stains on a pool. There are times when, unfortunately, unsightly stains just will not seem to go away. In most cases, an acid wash pool service can quickly take care of those stains for you. Acid washing a pool can also be done when algae have started to significantly build up. In cases where algae growth is minimal, it can still cause deep and unsightly stains to the surface of a pool.
In conclusion, acid wash pool services can be a perfect solution to a stained pool. Muriatic acid and water are used together to create an acid wash mixture. The process is only a couple of steps and won’t be a process that takes an extremely long time. Stains and algae buildup are the two most common reasons to have your pool acid washed. The acid wash treatment can be an effective solution for pools with stains that nothing else can touch. Continue your research here.