What do kids have to say to U.S. soldiers and veterans? “Thanks for protecting our country. [You] must be very brave joining the military. They say a man looks handsome in uniform,” a letter, addressed to a soldier, begins. “My favorite food is chicken wings, and I like to hang out with my friends.”
Kids’ letters to our troops may seem silly and lighthearted, but they can make an incredible difference — and kids are not the only ones who can support U.S. soldiers and commit to helping military families without spending a lot of money. Here are some of the most heartfelt (and least expensive ways!) to help soldiers and military families in need:
Pick Your Poison
Give back to troops, military families, and/or veterans — and set your own price limit. There are several organizations that work directly with U.S. soldiers and military families, asking them to submit requests for help online. From there, volunteers can browse the database, and choose the act of charity that is most in-line with their schedule and/or budget. Requests may range from help paying a particular bill and requests for packs of diapers to requests for help mowing the lawn.
Get The Family Together
Get family, neighbors, and/or friends together to plan a group event, such as a pancake breakfast, potluck, or summer barbecue. Ask for optional donations, and give any proceeds to military families or veterans in need. Making it a group effort is likely to prevent any one person from shouldering too much responsibility, and people are more likely to come together for something fun and exciting — like a barbecue or potluck.
Donate Clothes Without Leaving Home
Do you have clothing donations lying around the house? There are plenty of charities that will actually pick up clothing donations directly from your home — saving you the trip and the trouble of paying for gas. Similarly, some charities also set up communal drop-off boxes in places that people already frequent — places like churches, schools, and office buildings.
You can give back to our soldiers and veterans — and you can do it all on a budget, too. Consider signing online to carefully look at all of your option, donate clothes without even spending gas money, or get everyone together to put in a group effort. Read more here: www.purpleheartpickup.org