Two Great Ways to Maintain Your Carpet


Professional carpet cleaning

Did you know that several pounds of dirt and grime can accumulate in and under a carpet every year? In addition, carpets are known to harbor norovirus for over a month when they are not cleaned properly. As a result, you must do all you can to maintain a clean carpet. Fortunately, there are two effective carpet cleaning solutions available, and both will help keep your carpet clean at all times.

– Hire a professional carpet cleaning service. This is one of the most effective and efficient ways to maintain your carpet. When you hire carpet cleaners, the latest cleaning techniques will be utilized, such as high-pressure cleaning and chemical washing. This is beneficial because both techniques clean carpets inside and out, and they even remove the deepest grime. As a result of this effectiveness, it is important to get your carpet professionally cleaned at least once every 12-18 months.

– Do it yourself. In between professional cleanings, it is also important to maintain your carpet yourself. This can be accomplished by vacuuming multiple times per week, as this will remove dust mites, skin flakes, and loose carpet fragments from the floor. This is beneficial because a human sheds 1.5 million skin flakes per hour, and also because 2,000 dust mites can live in just one ounce of dust. Fortunately, by vacuuming on a regular basis, these contaminants will not have the opportunity to taint your carpet.

Although carpets are great flooring options, they must be properly cleaned on a regular basis. This can be accomplished by hiring a professional carpet cleaning service, as well as by vacuuming multiple times per week. By utilizing these carpet cleaning solutions, your carpet will no longer harbor large amounts of harmful contaminants. Read more about this topic at this link.

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