It is not uncommon for military families to move from one city to another. Depending on where a mother or father is based, the family may have to switch homes at least every couple of years. This can be hard on everyone, especially because it means finding a new home.
But there are plenty of real estate firms that specialize in homes for military families, and offer a wide selection that are situated near military installations. This makes it much easier to locate a new one.
Here are few relocation tips that will help you and your family settle into your new home.
- Lists. One of the best tips for buying a new home anyone can give you is to create lists — so not just one big list of to-do’s, but at least a few based on the different aspects of your house. You can have a master “buying a new home checklist,” but be sure to categorize the move in sections. For example, you can have one list for packing, another for turning off all the utilities and services, and one for what to buy once you reach your new home. By doing this, you will be able to stay on top of your move.
- Hold onto Important Documents. If you have switched homes for military purposes more than once, you probably know that plenty of boxes can get mixed up in the shuffle no matter how well you label them. So, you won’t want to play around with important documents, such as passports, birth certificates, or military record. It would be best to secure these in hand luggage if you are traveling by plane, or keep them in a briefcase or safety box.
- Turn on Utilities. One of the best things to do when moving into a new home is to have the utilities turned on before you get there. Otherwise, you could be looking at sitting around in intense heat or cold without an AC unit or heater, and have to make your way around in the dark. By having all these utilities turned on ahead of time, your family will be able to settle in easier, as a warm bath, plenty of lights, and a functioning TV can be a great source of comfort for children in a strange new place.
So the next time you have to move, be prepared with these tips. Also consider finding homes for military families that are located near where you are stationed — it will make the move that much less stressful when you know that your family is close by. Check out this site for more: www.cb-pro.com