The holiday season is finally here. Presents are being wrapped, cookies are being baked, and people all over the world are gathering charitable donations for the less fortunate in their community. If you haven’t done so yet, it’s time to go through your closet and donate clothes to worthy organizations in your area.
The benefits of donating are truly endless, but consider just how much of an impact your charitable donations have on families during the holidays. Often times, families who you may know personally get down on their luck and don’t have the means to buy presents to exchange. By simply gathering up some old clothes that you don’t even wear anymore, you can provide these families with gifts and a sense of normalcy during the holiday season that they so desperately need. Here are just three of the many reasons to channel your inner holiday spirit and donate to less fortunate families before Christmas:
- Help a family like yours have a happy holiday. Helping families in need is what the holidays are all about, and there are terrific organizations in your area that can help you do just that. A primary beneficiary of holiday charitable donations are military families with parents who return home in debt. An estimated 27% of military families in the U.S. have over $10,000 in credit card debt, and gracious donations from people just like you are often the only things they can give to their loved ones during the holidays.
- Protect the environment. Another important benefit of donating is helping the environment. Just about everybody has some clothes lying around that they haven’t worn in years, and unfortunately, much of this gently-used clothing often ends up in landfills. Research shows that about 12 million tons of textile waste is thrown out in the U.S. each year, and much of this could be going to families in need. Instead of throwing your old clothes out this holiday season, donate them to deserving families who could use a nice shirt or pair of jeans.
- Charity pick up services. If you haven’t heard by now, donating in 2015 is much different than years prior. These days, many organizations will pick up charitable donations directly from your home. All you have to do is gather your donations and schedule a pickup time with a local organization. It’s as simple as that.
Donating is something that the whole family can partake in, and kids love sifting through old clothes and helping the less fortunate. If you’re in the giving spirit, gather up some charitable donations before Christmas and provide a family in your community with the holiday experience they deserve.