Home health care is provided for the sick or elderly whose families may not have the resources to give the attention needed.
Healthcare treatment is provided by trained professionals who help those in need to restore and maintain their health. Healthcare depends on the type of treatment needed. It could be a primary, specialist, or tertiary care where hospitalization is required. Treatment could also be curative, palliative, or preventative.
The CDPAP program (Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program) allows a person who needs the care to hire family, friends, or somebody they are comfortable with to look after them.
Does Medicare Cover Visit Nurse Services?
Medicare covers home healthcare visits by qualified nurses.
Does Medicare Pay for Non-Skilled Home Care?
Medicare will not cover homecare given by non-skilled persons if that is the only care needed.
For-Profit Home Health Agencies
Previously a non-profit industry, for-profit home health care agencies have grown. The level of service and the rates differ from non-profit agencies.
Home healthcare covers a vast field. Knowing that a loved one is getting the correct treatment in a place they are comfortable can give you peace of mind. It is good to know all the available options before deciding.
In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, there’s plenty to worry about between work and school, children and loved ones, home life and work life. With so much going on, it’s hard for scores of Americans to devote too much of their time on any one thing and sometimes that includes loved ones, especially those who may be sick or elderly.
Depending on the circumstances, a sick or elderly relative may need constant care or monitoring and in many cases, people aren’t able to provide it to them either because of distance, physical or mental limitations or burnout.
That’s where at-home caregivers and home health care can help. There are many benefits to home health care, which include:
- Peace of mind: If you’ve got an loved one that’s battling health issues and you’re not immediately nearby, having home health care professionals or at-home caregivers there to care for them and can a big help. At-home caregivers and health professionals are trained to help with a wide range of health issues and to make life at home easier. With at-home caregivers and health care professionals there to care for a loved one, there’s a reduced risk of them slipping and falling and if they need to go to the hospital, there will be someone there to assist them.
- Sticking to routine: Another benefit of at-home caregivers and home health care professionals is that your loved ones will be able to maintain a normal routine. Home health care professionals can help a loved one bathe, assist with grooming, make sure they take any necessary medications, help with chores and assist in many other ways that help your loved one maintain their quality of life as best they can.
- Knowledge is power: Having at-home caregivers or home health care professionals attend to your loved one ensures they have access to both medical knowledge and supplies. The caregivers can make sure any and all necessary medical supplies are available. Whether your loved one has common aliments like colds or stomach discomfort or more complex medical issues, caregivers and home health care professionals have a solid medical background and can make sure they are taken care of.
- Managing medication: Whether someone requires end of life care, post surgery home care or personal care, chances are good that they’ll need to take medication. Taking medication and managing medication schedules can be challenging, especially if multiple medications are involved. Having an at-home caregiver there in the home is helpful because there’s less risk of someone missing a critical doze of medication or accidently taking more than one dose at a time.
- Cost effective: Studies have shown that more than 60 percent of Americans avoid or delay treatment due to the cost of medical care. According to the National of Home Care, the average cost of care from a skilled nursing facility is more than $500 a day. Comparatively, the average cost per home health care visit is about $130. If you’re on a budget and can’t afford to make a trip to a local doctor’s office for common aliments, home health care may be an affordable way to go.
- Comfort: It’s a safe bet that many Americans aren’t the biggest fans of going to the hospital, whether it’s because of the cost, the long wait times or general discomfort that comes with being poked and prodded by ER doctors. With at-home caretakers and health care professionals, patients get one-on-one interaction with professionals who can care for them with a personal and comforting touch. Being comfortable with a health care professional makes people more relaxed, more forthcoming when taking about health issues and less afraid of any procedures or medications that might be given to them.
If that weren’t reason enough, using home health care providers benefits health. Studies have shown that fewer health complications arise from home health care in folks that have chronic illnesses or conditions.
Whatever your loved ones’ circumstances, it’s comforting to know that they’re being attended to and taken care of by people who have the time and knowhow to do it right.