Don?t you just love your yard? Tending to it, gardening, sitting quietly of an evening just enjoying the gloaming? Don?t you hate tools casually tossed in a pile, or having to lug things to and from the garage every weekend? And if we?re talking about tidy, what you want is a corner shed for your yard. Now, not just any shed will do, we are talking aesthetics here, you should definitely be looking into custom Amish sheds, from small sheds to large sheds to corner sheds, Amish shed builders will craft what you?re looking for.
Amish furniture and early American folk art were first ?discovered,? and began garnering attention in the 1920s. Since then, dealers and historians have placed great worth on the beauty and quality of the pieces. That?s due greatly to the fact that the quality of Amish furniture is so high, because it?s 100% hand crafted from start to finish.
In a survey done of more than 2,000 consumers, almost 73% of those polled said that, ?The design of my furniture (indoor and outdoor) reflects my personality,? and 67% said that, ?A lot can be said about a person from the furniture s/he owns.? And more than 95% said they “expect furniture to last for many years.? More than 92% of those polled said they intend to keep wood furniture for at least a minimum of 15 years, and most intend to pass it down generation to generation. Investing in an Amish shed will not only provide you with storage space, they?re beautiful and will increase your property value.
Amish furniture and sheds are typically made from one of five types of wood: cherry, hickory, maple, oak, or walnut, all hard, durable woods. That means that well made wooden corner sheds should last a minimum of 15 to 20 years, and far longer with proper care.
When buying corner sheds, you?ll want to resolve what your space needs are and then add 25% more for future storage space needs. When ordering Amish corner sheds online, expect to wait somewhere between 12 to 16 weeks. It generally takes approximately eight weeks to build custom, new Amish corner sheds, and then of course, there?s transport time. If you want your corner sheds sooner (and why wouldn?t you), depending on where you live, you may be able to find where to buy Amish furniture and sheds and garages ? yes even garages ? locally.
So stop ignoring that mess in the corner. Stop lugging tools. Buy an Amish storage shed today, and put those things away tomorrow.