Being a parent is one of the hardest jobs that you will ever do. You are responsible for raising a small human, after all, keeping them safe and ensuring that they are properly raised into a self efficient and well functioning adult. That is a lot of responsibility. The baby and toddler years can be some of the most difficult for a parent, because they are reliant on you for everything. You are teaching them to walk, talk and use the bathroom. You are tasked with ensuring that they get enough sleep, that they eat a well rounded diet and that they are growing properly. Ensuring a regular sleep habit can be one of the most difficult routines to establish.
A lot goes into the sleep routine of a toddler or a baby. There are many reasons that will affect the sleep quality of a young child, and the young child may not have the ability to tell you those problems. You must attempt to correct every problem, until they are comfortably asleep. It is all about guessing and interpreting what is preventing quality sleep.
One of the biggest causes of poor sleep is the comfort of the young child. If the child has a wet diaper, it needs to be changed. If they have wet the bed, they will cry until it is changed. If they are in itchy or poorly fitted pajamas, they will toss and turn a lot, constantly waking up. If the bedding is not comfortable, they will have more difficulty falling and staying asleep. As an adult, you may not think the quality of the bedding is important to a young child. However, if the child is left to sleep on uncomfortable bedding, it is likely to affect their quality of sleep.
Things like thread count and the material of the bedding can affect the sleep quality of the young child. Simply put, thread count is the number of threads woven into one square inch of fabric. The number is based on the threads woven horizontally (weft) and vertically (warp). Extra threads can also be woven into the weft threads to increase thread count. Generally speaking, higher thread counts produce better quality of sheets, translating into more comfortable bedding options. If you are looking for a durable linen, any percale from thread count 200 to 800 is recommended.
A child that is too hot or too cold may also have difficulty sleeping. It can be difficult to gauge the child?s sleep patterns. However, after a few months you should be able to tell which type of temperature is ideal for your young child. Children who sweat during sleep are likely to benefit from waterproof fitted sheet sets that can absorb the excess water. Young children who struggle with cold during sleep are likely to benefit from warmer pajamas and thermal material waterproof fitted sheet sets. A bath before bedtime can also help to regulate your child?s temperature before sleep. Babies need two to three baths a week in warm, not hot water to stay clean. The first step to a great baby bath is to find the perfect temperature and then fill the bathtub with no more than 2 to 3 inches of water.
Excess bedding and sheets can also prevent sleep. A young child or baby should have minimal sleeping materials. A baby crib sheet or a crib fitted sheet with a small blanket is often enough. A mattress protector may also be put on underneath the waterproof fitted sheet set to protect the condition of the mattress. The pillowcases, if pillows are in your child?s bed should be minimal and lightweight. A waterproof pillowcase may also be helpful. A fitted crib sheet reduces the movement of the child, often promoting a good night of sleep.
Being a parent is difficult. You are responsible for so many aspects of your child?s life and success. When your child is very young, the main priorities tend to be feeding them and ensuring that they get enough sleep. Specific steps should be taken to promote the quality of your young child?s sleep. Reducing temperatures and choosing the appropriate bedding, like waterproof fitted sheet sets are important steps.