Being a parent is hard. We worry and care so much about our children and want only the best for them, better than we had. And it?s even harder for the parents of medically fragile children. The joys are just as high, of course, but they have obstacles to overcome that less medically vulnerable children and their parents don?t have to face.
You Are Not Alone
It seems like the number of kids who need home care and full time caregivers has grown and continues to grow exponentially. Of the nearly 54 million school aged children in the U.S. (5 to 17 years old), around 2.8 million were reported as being children with special needs in 2010. And the number of individuals using paid long-term caregivers in any setting (at home, at a nursing facility, or a residential care center with assisted living) will likely double from the 13 million that were using caregivers? services in 2000, to 27 million by 2050.
In America today, one in nine children under the age of 18 receive special education services, and according to the Census, one out of every 26 families reported raising disabled children. It?s estimated that there are about 3 million disabled children in America, ages five to 15 and one in every 88 children is effected by Autism.
There is Help
Case management services can help you to find the right caregivers to help children with special needs or who need home care maintain and enhance their lives. With quality care sick children can participate in activities at home that will keep them engaged and learning in the way they words best for them to learn. And medicaid home modification will help with any work that needs to be done to assist disabled children at home.
Let professional caregivers take the load off of you. You?re no good to your child if you?re sick with stress and worry.