Are you single? Do not worry, you are in good company: about 54 million people are unattached in the world. It can be difficult to meet new people, whether because of social fears or concerns about one’s safety in spending time with what is, essentially, a stranger. Dating websites can make things quite a bit easier, but “easier” does not mean safer. There are a few tricks to staying safe while actually enjoying dating.
Are Dating Sites Safe?
Dating websites may market themselves as being in the business of love, but do not be so easily fooled. Any business is in the business of making money. Secure online dating is not achieved simply because someone signed up for a service by using an email address. About 33% of internet users who use the web to find dates admit to paying to use a dating website. If you are spending money just to find a good candidate for a date, safety should not be a concern.
It Is Potentially Risky to Even Use Dating Websites.
A dating website that does not complete at least a preliminary check on its patrons is risky. Meeting a complete stranger can be nerve-inducing enough without the added fear that they might be using the dating site as a means of meeting the victims of their crimes. It might seem to be asking a lot, but perhaps the safest online dating sites run a brief background check on all of their members. Doing so allows both participants to focus on the important things, like learning more about each other.
How to Have Fun On Dates (And Stay Safe).
There are some tips that most websites and friends will supply about dates and staying safe. These include meeting the person in a public place; having an arrangement to call someone immediately following the date; and not giving out information about the location of your work or home. These tips do not help you connect with someone.
To stay safe and still enjoy yourself, there are many fun options. If you and your date enjoy trying new things, consider:
- -Having a picnic.
-Going to an outdoor concert.
Attending a food festival or fair.
-Bowling (yes, really)
-Wine tasting.
-Karaoke (maybe as a group date).
These date ideas all allow you and your date to meet in a public space while avoiding the standard bar scene. Doing so eliminates the risk of alcohol impairing one’s judgement. Any of these choices are also a departure from the norm, which can be intriguing. Remember, the idea is to be able to focus on how you and your date are getting along, not on looking for clues of their nefariousness.