How clean is your home? No really, how clean is it? Not necessarily in terms of dirt and grime and keeping everything as sanitary as possible for your family — even though that’s of the utmost importance — but in terms of harsh chemicals, pesticide residue, toxins, skin irritants and other known carcinogens? As you can see, there is a huge difference between being clean in terms of keeping your free of dust, dirt, and grime compared to keeping your home “green” clean and free of harsh chemical irritants. This is especially important if you have young children and babies as members of your household.
Many people falsely assume that going “green” by choosing organic and biodegradable cleaning products and foods is simply a marketing ploy to get people to spend more money than they have to. This simply is not the case! Choosing organic household products and foods is the best investment you can make for your health and the health of your family, especially young children. Furthermore, choosing organic household products and foods is much better for the earth and the natural environment; the very things that keep you and your family alive and well!
A variety household products contain harmful chemical ingredients that have known to lead and contribute to allergic reactions, the development of autoimmune disorders, difficulty breathing, mental health disorders, and even cancer. Babies and young children are especially sensitive to these kinds of foreign chemicals since their immune systems are still developing. In fact, it’s been proven that babies are exposed to a whole host of chemical irritants and foreign material while still in utero! It is believed that this, in addition to diets full of non organic and genetically modified foods, can cause a lifetime of allergies and other health disorders.
Making the simple switch to natural and organic products is an easy, inexpensive way to ensure the health of your family and the environment. It sets your children up for a lifetime of healthy choices, vibrant health, and environmental responsibility. If the though of switching to natural and organic foods and products is intimidating — which is understandable — start small by making baby steps, no pun intended. You may even be pleasantly surprised that you already have plenty of natural ingredients in your house that can be used to clean the green way!
For example, apple cider vinegar, white vinegar, baking soda, salt, lemons, and essential oils such as lavender are excellent for gently and effectively disinfecting while still being tough on grease, dirt, and grime. Aside from being eco-friendly, these common ingredients also tend to be a lot more cost effective than traditional cleaning products and while also serving multiple purposes.
But going green and choosing natural and organic products isn’t limited to just household products and foods. Clothing, fabrics, and bedding can also be organic thanks to organic cotton! This is so important for young children and babies, which is why organic crib sheet protectors, organic baby crib sheets, organic kids pillowcases, and other kinds of organic linen are necessary. Aside from being waterproof, organic crib sheet protectors also serve many other important functions for baby. They help protect the sheets while also adding an additional layer of softness and comfort.
Hypoallergenic waterproof mattress protectors are great for protecting baby against nasty dust mites that can aggravate allergies, however, it’s important to make sure the fabric or materials used to make these waterproof protectors and crib sheet protectors is organic. Cotton is one of the most genetically modified crops and is grown with a slew of harsh chemical pesticides. These pesticides are and do not rinse off, meaning they residue is still present when it ends up in your home. Just think about how often baby comes into contact with crib sheet protectors throughout the time they’re in the crib. You wouldn’t want your baby snuggling up to something that could harm themselves, so why wouldn’t you buy organic crib sheet protectors?
Health is wealth, so invest in organic crib sheet protectors for baby for a healthy future!