Your family certainly understands the value of a family vacation. After nine months of a crazy school year with a different schedule for every person in your house, the summer could be a time when you get a chance to relax, sit back, and enjoy a slower pace that allows the entire family to spend time together. In reality though, summers are often no less busy than when children are in school for eight hours a day. Select team practice, part time jobs as the kids get older, and sometimes even a summer school class, keep summer days just as busy as the school year schedule.
Maybe that is why your family choses to enjoy recreational opportunities the whole family can enjoy instead of driving from one baseball game to the next, or a soccer tournament across the state every other weekend. Unless you force your family to physically get away from their hectic schedules, however, you may never have time to enjoy recreational opportunities together.
A trip to a lakeside community in South Carolina or a vacation to a Hampton Lake might be just what your family needs. Removing yourself from the hustle and bustle of daily routines and relaxing in a safe neighborhood home or cabin by the lake or beach can free everyone’s schedule. For example, Myrtle Beach is the Golf Capital of the World, and if golf is one of the recreational opportunities your family enjoys the most, South Carolina has more than 300 public and private golf courses in total.
While there are just over 40 million Americans age 65 and older who make up 13% of the population, who says they are the ones who should be having all of the fun? Planning for family vacations while you are still younger parents can help you create a setting where you can start practicing your own happiness and enjoy time with your children. A recent survey of MONEY readers indicated that 48% retirees reported being happier in retirement than expected. Everyone knows that good health is crucial at every age and 81% of retirees cited it as the most important ingredient for a happy retirement. Making time for your family to relax and enjoy each other’s company now only makes sense.
Who knows? Maybe you will find a location and a relaxed lifestyle that your family likes so much you will decide to check out a Sunday newspaper property listing and end up buying a home at a vacation spot you can enjoy several times a year. That is if you can drag yourself away from the baseball and soccer games every now and then.