You love your home. You take pride in caring for it and the garden. So why do you just toss your tools in a pile in the garage? Isn?t it time for a shed to store garden tools? And if you?re looking into garden sheds, look no further than Amish shed designs and Amish shed kits.
Amish furniture first garnered attention, when early American folk art was ?discovered,” in the 1920s, and historians and dealers placed value on the quality and beauty of the works. Even today, Amish furniture is still 100% hand crafted. A hand crafted, custom shed will compliment your home and enhance your property.
In a survey of over 2,000 consumers: 72.7% of respondents said that, ?The design of my furniture reflects my personality,? and 67% polled agreed that, ?a lot can be said about a person from the furniture s/he owns.? The same can be said of outdoor furniture and sheds. They may live outside, but they?re still seen by your guests and neighbors, and more importantly, you, and they still express your design aesthetic.
Of more than 2,000 consumers asked, more than 95% said they “expect furniture to last for many years,? and more than 92% of survey respondents said that they plan to keep their wood furniture for a minimum of 15 years. Like furniture, a good, solid wooden shed should last a minimum of no less than 15 to 20 years. The majority of Amish furniture is made from five types of wood: oak, hickory, cherry, maple, and walnut; these are solid, long lasting woods.
When buying a shed, it is always smart to figure out your space needs first (what are you planning to use it for besides to store garden tools?), and then add 25% more space to that, for future storage needs that arise. Once you?ve figured out the size needed it typically takes around eight weeks to build custom Amish furniture and sheds. So, when you order online you should expect to wait somewhere from 12 to 16 weeks for your Amish shed to be crafted and shipped.
And then it will arrive and be fantastic and you will be so glad you made the decision you have. You?ll have a handmade shed to store garden tools and all the other things you didn?t realize needed outdoor storage (Pool toys? Croquet set? Lawn mower?), that will not only be highly functional and long lasting, but beautiful as well. What more could you ask for?