It is a difficult Monday.
Getting the children up and ready for school the Monday after Spring Break can be a challenge. Fortunately, after a week of beautiful weather with higher than average temperatures, the cooler weather has returned. Without the warm start to the day it should be a little easier to make the kids realize that summer break is still another nine weeks away. The clouds and the rain, however, made it so tempting to just stay in bed. As the mom, however, it is your job to put on an energetic face, prepare a delicious breakfast, and provide the motivation it takes to make sure that your children are ready for the final stretch of school.
Once the kids are out the door, however, it is difficult for you to make the transition from days at the zoo, enjoying the Spring Break weather, to this Monday morning when you need to return to the mundane tasks of normal weeks. The laundry is the first thing you need to attack, but the thought of stepping into that dull and boring laundry room is as unappealing as a rainy Monday morning in the classroom after an awesome Spring Break.
In a quick turn of plans, however, you decided to make a major change. You made sure that you sorted all of the laundry and started the first loads, but in addition to these needed tasks, you also let yourself dream of a laundry room that might inspire you on the cloudiest of Monday morning. With a rescued life preserver as inspiration, you began plans to redesign and rethink the look of the laundry room. Imaging this small space painted a pale yellow just makes you feel better. With a plan for other nautical home decorations to brighten up the space you worked your way through the day’s laundry tasks while at the same time planning for some exciting changes.
Do You Need to Update Some of the Spaces in Your Home?
Not everything about life is exciting. Not every task that needs to be completed is fun. We all know, however, that the tasks a cooking, cleaning, and laundry have to be done. Without some motivation, though, these tasks can seem very heavy. For the most energetic of home owners, the motivation for doing what has to be done may be the opportunity finish the daily tasks so that you have time to update and upgrade a space. Whether the goal is to use life preserver decor or other thematic approaches, for many people the chance to update a space is both invigorating and energizing.
Unfortunately, 14% of people indicate that their home furnishings actually make them feel gloomy. It may be difficult to complete the daily tasks of life and motivate yourself into action if coming downstairs into the family room makes you feel gloomy. For this reason, many of the people who get the most things done also find time to freshen their most used spaces. And while it is fun to purchase new living room furniture and remodel a kitchen, sometimes the smaller tasks of remaking a much used space like a laundry room can be more manageable.
With the use of something like nautical decorations, for instance, an indoor space can begin the transformation into a location that helps you remember your days at the beach. A reclaimed orange life preserver, for instance, can provide the inspiration you need to start the redecorating process.
What items do have in your home that can serve as a starting point for remaking a much used space? Do you have a single wooden oar in the basement that you never took the time to throw away? do you have the first life preserver from the very first boat that your family used at the lake cabin? Maybe you have a box of old bobbers and flies that your dad painted or crafted. Any of these items can serve as the perfect starting point for redesigning a space.
Who know? You might like your nautically themed laundry room so much that you decide to extend it into other spaces in your home as well!