It doesn’t have to be the “most wonderful time of year” in order for you to show your appreciation and support for military families, troops, and veterans. While it’s common for organizations that help military families and their spouses to receive the bulk of their charitable donations during the winter holiday season, now is just as good as any time to give back.
The spring and summer months are the perfect time to donate to charities for military families. While you’re in the midst of your annual spring cleaning, why not set a few gently-used items around your home aside to donate? No time to donate? No problem! There are a number of charities that pick up donations right from your home.
If you need some ideas, here’s just a few to get you started.
Personal care and comfort items
These items can be donated to both active duty soldiers as well as their spouses. After all, not only are personal care items such as toiletries expensive, they’re considered a luxury for troops away at war. Something as simple as a bottle of shampoo or a tube of toothpaste can bring a small taste of home and comfort to a soldier, and it’s one more thing a military family can cross off their grocery list.
Old gadgets and movies
Nearly every household has old cell phones, computers, and mobile devices laying around these days. Instead of letting them collect dust while you run out for the latest gadget, why not donate them to a military charity? Old DVDs, books, and board games are also great items to donate and are often found on many charities’ wish lists.
The overwhelming majority of clothing — 99% — that is discarded in the United states can be recycled or reused. Unfortunately, the average American household tosses out an estimated 68 pounds of clothing every year. In fact, fabrics such as cotton, nylon, polyester, and rayon make up an estimated 5% of all waste found in landfills. Not only do clothing donations benefit military families, troops, and veterans, but they also help the environment. It’s common for charities that pick up donations to request that clothing donations are washed prior to donating.